Syllabus: Math 211 Spring 2014

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Applied Calculus (Math 211)

Instructor: Sean Carver, Ph.D., Professorial Lecturer, American University.


  • 107 Gray Hall
  • office phone: 202-885-6629

Learning Outcomes: Copied from Stephen Tennebaum's 2013 syllabus:

The primary goal of this course is to help students to develop mathematical intuition and skills necessary to solve standard calculus problems and their application to business, management, and social sciences. A secondary goal of this course is for the student to comprehend the concepts behind the presentation, use, and manipulation of data and functions. Such an understanding allows the student to approach new problems analytically, even though the problems may be unfamiliar. As a result of completing this course, students will
  • understand the use and manipulation of algebraic and transcendental functions;
  • understand the mathematics underlying the notions limits, derivatives & integrals;
  • be able to evaluate limits, derivatives and integrals of a wide variety of functions;
  • understand and be able to sketch the graphs of functions;
  • be able to solve problems and formulate and analyze mathematical models in business, economics & the social and management sciences.

Important Dates:

  • Midterm 1: Friday, February 14
  • Spring Break: March 9–16
  • Midterm 2: Friday, March 21
  • Final Exam: Friday, May 2

Homework: Due most Wednesdays either, via WeBWorks, during class or in my mailbox in Gray Hall by close of business (5 pm).

Late Homework Policy: Accepted up to 24 hours late for 20% penalty. Not accepted after that. Exceptions will be made if arranged before the due date and if you have a compelling reason.

Student responsibility vis-a-via attendance and homework: The following link was shared by Jeff Adler, who taught this class in the past:

Grading: I will make an attempt to grade homework and exams in a way that is consistent, to the extent possible, with the way other professors have graded this class, both this term and in the past.

Tentative grading scheme:

Homework 20%
Exam 1 20%
Exam 2 20%
Final 20%
Attendance and Participation 20%

Academic Integrity: To the extent that grades are based on a curve, cheating to get a better grade on an assignment or exam can result in lowering the grades of some of your classmates. This is not acceptable and cheating will not be tolerated. Cheating will be handled as required by American University.

What is considered cheating?

  • Cheating is copying work from another source without giving attribution.
  • Cheating is copying problem(s) from a classmate.
  • It is OK to work with other students on homework as long as you write up the solutions yourself and your solutions reflect your own understanding of the problems.
  • When inappropriate copying between students is caught, both parties are culpable.
  • When in doubt disclose what you have done. You may not get full credit but you won't be charged for academic misconduct.

Office Hours: Tentatively scheduled

  • Tuesday 2:40-3:40
  • Tuesday 5:30-6:30
  • Wednesday 2:40-3:40
  • Wednesday 5:30-6:30
  • Friday 2:40-3:40
  • Friday 5:30-6:30

Tutoring through MATH/STAT tutoring center:

  • Sunday, 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
  • Monday - Thursday, 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
  • Friday, 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.