Remember the equation for the cell with only leak channels.
Let's simplify: suppose there is no injected current and that the reversal potential for the leak channels is . Then our equation is
Using different letters for the variables (because this is done in the software linked below):
Here k is the rate constant, 1/k is the time constant, 1/k is in the notation above. A leaky cell is what is called an RC circuit -- a resistor and capacitor together in a circuit. The time constant of an RC circuit is RC. The bigger k, the higher the rate of convergence, and the smaller the time constant 1/k. The time constant is the time it takes the solution to decay to 1/e of its value.
Solution of differential equations happens at discrete times: , separated by small time intervals dt.
The simplest way of solving this equation is with Euler's method:
This is a special case of the general formula for Euler's method applied to the (vector) differential equation
Click here for code for visualizing the numerical solution of differential equations.