Random Numbers in MATLAB
Start MATLAB and type the following into the MATLAB prompt
This produces a random number. Repeat several times. Continue typing the material in boxes into the MATLAB prompt.
help rand
Returns help for the rand command. We'll discuss this help file. Try
rand(3) rand(3,2) rand(3,2,2)
These commands allow you to create arrays of random numbers without loops. Compare how long it takes to run
A = rand(10000,1);
for i = 1:10000 B(i,1) = rand; end
Note however there is really two issues with the second method: first, we could have avoided the loop, and second, the we successively built a larger and larger array without first initializing it. Now that B is defined, repeating the second set of command will go much faster, but still not as fast as avoiding the loop.
Note semicolons suppress a command's insistence on displaying the result on the screen. Try it without the semicolon:
A = rand(10000,1)
Finally, if you are running a model that uses random numbers it is useful to be able to get the same random numbers again to reproduce your results. This can be done: computer random numbers are not really random, they are pseudo-random. The number returned by the generator is completely determined by the "seed" used to initialize the generator and the number of times that the generator has been used since the last initialization. Try:
rand('state',0); rand rand rand rand('state',0); rand rand rand rand('state',1); rand rand rand
The command "clock" can be used to set the seed in "random" way. Use "up arrow" to repeat a command.
clock clock clock sum(100*clock) sum(100*clock) sum(100*clock) rand('state',sum(100*clock)); rand rand rand('state',sum(100*clock)); rand rand
If you want a "random" seed and still be able to reproduce your simulations use:
s = sum(100*clock); rand('state',s); rand rand rand('state',s) rand rand
We want to use the command rand to roll a die. The command rand returns a number between 0 and 1. So 6*rand returns a number between 0 and 6. The command ceil rounds numbers up.
Repeat this command several times. But now let's create a new command. Open the Editor and type
function d = die % DIE Roll a die % d = die returns a random integer between 1 and 6, inclusive d = ceil(6*rand);
Save the file as die.m then type
die die die
For the next step it is useful to get more than one throw of the die. Save as dice.m then change
function d = dice(n) % DICE Rolls dice % d = dice(n) returns n random integers between 1 and 6, inclusive d = ceil(6*rand(n,1));
Now some statistics:
mean(dice(100)) mean(dice(1000)) mean(dice(10000)) mean(dice(100000))
- Homework Problem 1: Make a guess as to whether the mean converges as the number of dice increases. Assuming you do not know the answer, what numerical experiments would increase your confidence in this regard?
Now try the same thing for
median mode std min max
The command std is the standard deviation.
- Homework Problem 2: Make guesses as to whether each of these statistics converges as the number of dice increases.
Probability Mass Function
The PMF gives the theoretical fraction of times each value is returned on repeated experiments. For a fair die
f(i) = 1/6, for i = 1,2,3,4,5,6
f(i) = 0 otherwise.
For a loaded die, some the six non-zero values of f would differ, but they must add to 1.
The statistics considered above can be calculated theoretically from the PMF. Then there are theorems that show convergence of these statistics to their theoretical values ... or counterexamples showing that convergence does not happen. Warning: Convergence is a subtle concept in Probability Theory.
Of note: The theoretical "mode" for loaded die is the i which maximizes f. For a fair die, all values are equal and the "mode" does not exist, theoretically. The idea of "most probable" is important to us.